Uniting the Transformers Universe: Introducing Omega Prime

In the vast cosmos of the Transformers universe, alliances are forged, destinies entwined, and legends born. Among the Autobots, none epitomize this more than Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus, two stalwart warriors bonded by brotherhood yet divided by destiny.


Optimus Prime, the chosen bearer of the Matrix of Leadership, stands as the beacon of hope and the next commander of the Autobots. His unwavering courage and sense of duty have led him to confront the darkest of foes and inspire generations of Autobots.

However, fate has its twists, and Ultra Magnus finds himself embittered by the shadows of his own destiny. Scornful of the path laid out before him, Ultra Magnus challenges Optimus Prime for the mantle of leadership and the sacred Matrix.

In a clash of titans, amidst the fury of battle, the unimaginable transpires – the merging of two great forces into a singular entity: Omega Prime, the Ultimate Energy Combiner. From the fusion of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus arises a being of unparalleled might and resolve, ready to defend the Autobot cause with newfound strength and unity.

As the Transformers franchise commemorates its 40th anniversary, Hasbro Pulse unveils a monumental celebration with the launch of the Omega Prime HasLab project. This crowdfunded endeavor brings forth a magnificent tribute to the iconic duo, offering fans the opportunity to own a piece of Transformers history like never before.

The Omega Prime HasLab project features:

  • An 8.5-inch Optimus Prime figure, embodying the essence of leadership and heroism.
  • A commanding 15-inch command center, symbolizing the heart of Autobot operations.
  • A blaster accessory for battling against the forces of evil.
  • Two Matrix of Leadership accessories, representing the embodiment of Autobot valor.
  • An 11.5-inch Ultra Magnus figure, showcasing strength and determination in equal measure.
  • A 5.75-inch Autobot Bluebolts figure, adding depth and detail to the ensemble.
  • Unlockable bonuses including a 23.5-inch Matrix Blade Accessory and two combinable Global Space Bridge display base pieces, expanding the possibilities of display and play.

With a goal of 10,000 backers, the Omega Prime HasLab project invites fans to join forces and make this vision a reality. From January 30, 2024, until March 14, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET, enthusiasts have the chance to contribute to the creation of a transformative piece of Transformers lore.

Should the project succeed, Omega Prime will begin its journey to fans' collections, with shipping slated to commence in Fall 2025. Together, let us unite the Autobots, honor their legacy, and pave the way for a future filled with endless adventure and camaraderie.

Transformers, roll out!

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